Mathematics » Links


This site has AMAZING resources for AP Statistics students. There are practice tests and lots of great tips.
This site has EXCELLENT step-by-step online lessons of various math (& science) topics for nearly every topic taught in a high school mathematics classroom. Plus, they are FREE! Students who are absent from their math classes should find out what topic they miss and then watch the Khan video that corresponds to that lesson.
This is a great resource for Pre-Algebra through AP Calculus BC students!
This site has EXCELLENT teaching videos on nearly all topics in our mathematics curriculum. Watch some videos and enjoy!
This is a great SAT prep website. Thank you to Erin Matthews (HHS student) for discovering it!
This website has great videos on nearly every math topic up through Algebra 2. With a site like this, there is no excuse for not understanding a topic! :)
HMH Student Login for Algebra 1, Geometry, & Algebra 2
There are videos, sample problems, practice tests, and much more that match our textbook. In addition, this link connects to CalcChat which has all of the ANSWERS to the ODD problems in your textbook.  Use... but don't abuse!  Remember, it is more important to UNDERSTAND what you are doing.  Don't just "get it done."
Delta Math is a free website for teachers and students covering a wide range of math content from middle school through AP Calculus. There are over 1,200 problem types that the teacher can add to assignments for students to complete. All problems are automatically graded and students get instant feedback.
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