Common Core and Smarter Balanced Pilot Test Spring 2014

Common Core and Smarter Balanced Pilot Test
Spring 2014

Hemet High School is one of many in the country participating in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Field Test this spring. Schools in 22 states will administer the online assessment in mathematics and/or English starting this past March.

The Smarter Balanced assessments are a key part of implementing our new academic standards and preparing all students for success in college and careers. When the assessments become operational in the 2014-15 school year, they will provide an academic checkup by measuring real-world skills like critical thinking and problem solving. In addition, they will provide information during the year to give teachers and parents a better picture of where students are succeeding and where they need help. This practice run of the assessments will be used to evaluate the testing software, ensure the quality of assessment questions, and evaluate the effectiveness of the assessment administration and training materials. It also provides teachers and students at our school an opportunity to preview the types of questions that will be part of the Smarter Balanced assessments and practice test administration procedures.

For our school, students in Grade 11 have been selected to take the Field Test in English and Math. The assessment will take place between April 23rd and May 16th. and will take approximately four hours of your child’s time. The assessment will be administered over multiple days. Participation is confidential, and your child’s grades will not be affected.

If you would like more information about Smarter Balanced, please visit the Smarter Balanced website at
Source: Hemet High School