Library Rules
The Hemet High Library is open from 7:30 am – 3:30 pm when school is in session.
The Library is a three level facility with over 15,000 volumes and 12 computers available to students. Chromebooks are available for students use. ID's are required to borrow a Chromebook from the library. Computers are for school business only.
Students may use the Library before and after school as needed. They may read, do homework, work on a research project or use a computer. During class time, they must have a pass from their teacher. We are open during alternating lunch periods. Whenever classes are present, there may be limited seating and fewer computers available. Students must present their current ID card to check out books – library books and textbooks - or to use a computer.
Library books are checked out for 2 weeks at a time, but can be renewed unless another student has requested the book. You may check out 1-2 novels at a time.
Textbooks are checked out for the duration of the class – 1 semester or all school year. Novels assigned to the whole class are considered textbooks and the due date is determined by the teacher. Novels currently checked out must be returned before the next Novel is issued. Students must present their current ID card to check out textbooks and Novels.
Students are responsible for all textbooks, library books and calculators they check out. Fines will be assessed for damage beyond normal wear. Lost, stolen or damaged items should be reported immediately. When you receive your books please check the books for any damage.
All books should be returned on time. There are waiting lists for many popular novels and research topics. To accommodate all classes each semester, textbooks must be returned when the class is finished. Please be courteous and know your due dates.
No food, drinks, gum, or candy are allowed in the Library.
We are happy to help students find reading material or books for their research projects, navigate the computer system and use the card catalog. The card catalog is now available online at from your home computer. You may download the app for your smart phone or mobile device at